» Session A
Exploring the relationships between moral distress, moral courage, and moral resilience in undergraduate nursing students
The results of a multi-site study revealing the interrelationships between moral distress, moral courage, and moral resilience in senior nursing students. New theoretical models, moral resilience scales, and interventions to enhance moral courage and moral resilience are warranted.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A02
Outsiders in nursing: Voices of black African nurses and students in the USA: Integrative review
An integrative review of peer reviewed nursing literature published from 2008 to 2019 was performed to describe the experience of ‘being outsiders’ in nursing and nursing education as described by Black African/Caribbean born nurses and student nurses in the U.S.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A17
Mindsets and nursing student approaches to learning: The Williams Inventory of Learning Strategies Tool
This presentation will introduce nurse educators to the academic success model; the growth mindset model. We will detail a new mindset assessment tool for student learning, and, for the first time in nursing education, present a case study in the utilization of the mindset model in nursing education.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A04
A strategy to increase high stakes exit exam success
Do your students know how to prepare for high-stakes exit exams in order to pass the first time? Faculty developed a strategy and guideline to help students prepare for the exam, to learn how to utilize online resources and the benefits of remediation. First time pass rates improved.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A04
Disrupting incivility in healthcare through interprofessional education
In this session, we will describe our experiences with implementing a session on incivility during a leadership seminar with interprofessional undergraduate and graduate health sciences students.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A13
How critical hermeneutics can strengthen the science of nursing education: Learning through workplace bullying research
This session highlights benefits of critical hermeneutic method, a research approach that supports understanding and explanation of complex, contextual phenomena that can impede advancing the science of nursing education. Findings from a study of workplace bullying serve to exemplify conduct of the method and its utility for nursing education.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A13
“I don’t want your job!” A qualitative descriptive study of succession planning in nursing education
In this educational session, the participant will be able to: Define and describe succession planning. Discuss the need for succession planning in nursing education. Identify strategies needed to implement succession planning, the advantages of succession planning, and the obstacles to succession planning.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A01
The art of nursing: Interprofessional education (IPE) to enhance clinical reasoning competencies in nursing students
The Art of Nursing project brings together nursing faculty and art educators to implement art-based educational programming for beginning nursing students. We will discuss key components of our inter-professional educational (IPE) initiative aimed at enhancing clinical reasoning skills in nursing students.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A11
Who are you going to call: Interdisciplinary telemedicine in nursing education
Telemedicine is an essential component of healthcare in the U.S. as it addresses concerns of access and costs as some patients travel great distances from their homes to medical centers for healthcare. Telemedicine offers remote healthcare delivery, and includes assessment, treatment, management, planning, monitoring, evaluation, consultation, and education.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A05
Just-in-time teaching and technology to enhance student learning in lab
At the completion of the educational activity, participants will be able to describe an active learning strategy that uses technology to enhance student ability to transfer knowledge from the textbook and previous semesters to the clinical setting.
Conference Identifier: NERC20A08