» Session H
Integrated care in nurse practitioner education programs
Experiential learning opportunities occur throughout nursing programs with interprofessional students joining together to enhance integrated care. Faculty must have the skills for determining solutions to challenges in developing, implementing, and evaluating interprofessional experiences for students in a variety of settings.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H02
Impact on nursing students’ knowledge through integration of an end-of-life course in the undergraduate curriculum
The purpose of this evidence-based study was to examine the impact of palliative care course on nursing students’ knowledge towards providing end-of-life care. Evaluating the outcomes can lead to curricular changes and provide a basis for decisions related to the best approaches for addressing end-of-life care in nursing curricula.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H04
Building a faculty development workshop on gender-associated incivility in nursing education
Studies indicate that gender plays a role in incivility within groups. Experiencing gender associated incivility can increase students’ stress and negatively impact the learning experience. This study measured the impact of a newly implemented workshop for nursing faculty to identify, prevent, and manage gender associated incivility in the educational environment.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H03
Simulated end-of-life: Improving nursing students’ attitudes toward care of the dying
This study examines the impact of a death and dying simulation on nursing students’ attitude toward care of the dying patient. Students enrolled in a collaborative course taught by theater and nursing faculty utilized simulated patient actors to act as family members of a dying patient.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H04
A cross-sectional estimate of the determinants of daytime sleepiness among Omani nursing students
Exploring daytime sleepiness among high school and university students has gained strong empirical footage. The persistence of this problem among nursing students can lead to significant occupational hazards. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence and determinants of daytime sleepiness among Omani nursing students.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H05
Instructional gaming: Using Kahoot! for review
Games as pedagogical platform are becoming more popular in nursing education. Kahoot! is a free game-based response system can be played by the whole class in real time. A Kahoot! review as an instructional game strategy to engage in the classroom was developed for an undergraduate nursing course.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H17
The use of pediatric simulation in nursing education
The goal of the study was, that by adding pediatric simulation before the start of the clinical rotation and part way through the rotation, students would have improved self-efficacy. The data gathered from this study can be used to improve RN students’ pediatric nursing education.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H16
Implementing an unfolding case study throughout the nursing curriculum to increase opioid addiction education
It is critical to incorporate opioid addiction education into nursing school curriculum. An unfolding case study centered on a person addicted to opioids including ramifications on family was created. The scenario can be threaded throughout the undergraduate curriculum from assessment to critical care and can continue into the graduate program.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H12
Evidence appraisal mobile educational game
We created the Evidence Appraisal Mobile Education Game to be a learning tool with a fun interactive design to help nursing and other health professions students learn how to identify the level of evidence when presented with short scenarios describing a research study or another type of evidence.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H17
A school of nursing-led community initiative to identify and reduce hypertension in Mukono District, Uganda
Pre-licensure nursing students and a university faculty member partnered with a local NGO in Uganda and successfully trained 90 community health workers on blood pressure screening, healthy lifestyles, and referral to health centers for treatment. Successful monitoring of this program, with the NGO hypertension control liaison, helps guarantee sustainability.
Conference Identifier: NERC20H07