» Session I
Cultural humility: A foundational building block for graduate curricula
To be effective, advanced practice nurses must understand the concept of cultural humility and also fully embrace its utility in their everyday encounters with clients. Students are given a written assignment that demonstrates the critical combination of exposure followed by reflection and lays the groundwork for personal growth and transformation.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I12
Exploring simulations effect on the theory practice gap: The graduate nurse experience
This study explores the use of simulation technology in pre-licensure programs in bridging the theory-practice gap for graduate nurses prior to entry to practice where the deficit is most acute. Simulation technology provides the ideal environment for students to integrate knowledge and practice in a risk-free and safe environment.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I06
Validating nursing students’ self-efficacy ratings and urinary catheterization skills using simulation and iPad video debriefing
The aim of this study was to validate the level of understanding of senior-level nursing students of their self-efficacy by completing the Clinical Skills Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES), deliberate practice in the skills laboratory with a focus on urinary catheter insertion, and video recording and debriefing urinary catheter insertion.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I17
Effectiveness of high-fidelity simulation in improving student satisfaction and self-confidence with bedside shift report
A quantitative quasi-experimental project to determine the effectiveness of high-fidelity simulation in improving student-satisfaction and self-confidence among nursing students while giving a bedside shift report. Training and practice with a standard bedside shift report as student nurses’ during simulations hastens their transition from novice to expert nurses.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I02
Taking time to write, grow, and learn together: Writer’s weekend for tenure-track nursing faculty
Nursing faculty are required to be expert clinicians, teachers, researchers, and writers; finding consistent time to write was identified as the biggest challenge. A Writers’ Weekend provided the time, space, and support needed for development of writing skills. Positive outcomes included successful manuscript submissions and a deepened sense of community.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I16
New nurses in a SNAP: The student nurse apprenticeship program
The Student Nurse Apprenticeship Program (SNAP) is a 12- to 18- month program designed to reinforce nursing education and patient safety, awareness of the professional nurse role, and an appreciation of organizational structures and operations within a healthcare setting. Learn how SNAP was developed and its statistically significant program results.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I03
Undergraduate student nurse ACLS Certification to improve practice transition and confidence
A code blue curriculum, including an ACLS certification, was designed to facilitate student confidence for transition into clinical practice. The 12-item Code Blue Self-Confidence survey was developed to measure code blue confidence in the undergraduate nursing student. An inverse correlation was discovered with student confidence and anxiety in critical events.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I05
The relationship between nursing students’ English language proficiency and academic success variables
The purpose of this presentation is to bring awareness of the relationship between nursing school English language proficiency admission criteria met by ESL students and their measures on academic success variables when compared to English-speaking students followed by an open dialogue to address possible inequities.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I07
Findings from a program to support full-time nursing faculty in doctoral education
The purpose of this paper is to report on the first year findings of a program that provides course release time and mentoring for full-time faculty in doctoral programs. The intent of the program is to encourage nursing faculty to return to school by reducing barriers to doctoral education.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I16
A multi-site study evaluating a VR game for reinforcing sterile catheter insertion skills
This multi-site study evaluated the usability of a virtual reality (VR) game with haptics for refreshing aseptic catheterization skills in 291 nursing students. Findings revealed that undergraduate nursing students are prepared to use and practice skills using VR and may practice and retain more key concepts when using VR.
Conference Identifier: NERC20I17