This collection contains doctoral papers and dissertations that have been completed and defended in partial fulfillment for the doctoral degree received. These items have not gone through the Sigma Repository’s peer-review process, but have been accepted by the indicated university or college in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the specified degree.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Earthing Practice for Mental Health Among Adults in the United States: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Natalie Greenberg
Novice Adjunct Nursing Faculty as Partners in Education: Perspectives on Teaching, Genevieve L. Sullivan Greenaway
Intimate Partner Violence Screening Education for Nurses in Emergency Department, Martha I. Wydra
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
New graduate nurses' described experiences of coping with stress in the clinical setting, Leticia D. Acevedo
Increasing providers' education of patients in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus, Ruby A. Akuffo
Psychosocial determinants of suicidal ideation among Thai women, Raya T. Albataineh
Hotspotting in home health: The impact of interprofessional student-team home visits on health outcomes of super-utilizers of the health care system, Jennifer T. Alderman
The moderating effect of religion on death distress and quality of life among Christian cancer patients in the United States with Muslim cancer patients in Saudi Arabia, Doaa A. Almostadi
The effect of attitudinal dynamics of inpatient nurses on the use of a mobile electronic health record, Mark Ambler
Patient safety culture, compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction: Impact on nurse-sensitive patient outcomes, Debbie Anglade
Identifying delirium in hospitalized patients using Nursing Delirium Screening Scale, Christina S. Arockiam
Evaluation of new graduate nursing orentation program, Elizabeth Arroyo
Organizational agents as epistemic agents: Re-examining nurse executives' agency in homecare organizations, Lisa Ashley
An exploration of the influence of nursing education culture on the integration of nursing informatics competencies into a collaborative nursing program curriculum, Stephanie Atthill
Compassion fatigue and satisfaction among nurses at a state psychiatric hospital: An opportunity to educate, Santhi Avula
The individualized multidisciplinary immediate fall response program, Adenike Y. Awotundun
A Delphi study on the use of simulation in undergraduate nursing education, Diana L. Bailey
Experiences of incivility and ageism in currently enrolled RN to BS nursing students and their intent to quit, Kimberly A. Balko
Factors influencing outcomes of undergraduate nursing student's education, Patricia Jenkins Barnard
Effects of a nurse-led transitional rehabilitation programme (4Cs-TBuRP) for adult burn survivors: A pilot randomised controlled trial, Jonathan Bayuo
Nursing diversity: The knowledge of cultural diversity and its impact on the interaction level within the nursing workforce, Wadea H. Beheri
Symptom burden, identity balance, and emotional distress in cancer survivors, Lynne Bentley
Impact of BrØset Violence Checklist on safety events in an adult mental health unit, Maritess B. Bernardo