
A recent examination of postpartum patient satisfaction scores in an inner-city hospital revealed decreased satisfaction of discharge teaching practices. Guided by Knowles' model of andragogy and Donabedian's model of structure-process-outcome, the purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of how the structure and process of discharge teaching practices impact successful postpartum teaching. This mixed-method, concurrent study examined the structure, process, and outcome of postpartum patient discharge teaching practices. A convenience sample was used to obtain 138 patient surveys, observations of 15 nurses completing discharge teaching, and 15 face-to-face patient interviews. Data analysis included the use of Spearman's rho, ANOVA, and independent t test. Results indicated a positive correlation between the outcome of patient learning experiences and the structure and process of patient teaching practices. Data showed that specific areas of patient concerns were evident, including nurse availability, timing of teaching, teaching strategies, individualization of teaching plan, and inconsistencies in material content. Recommendations included developing a specific protocol for effective patient teaching strategies. A professional development program was created to educate nurses about adult learning principles and effective patient teaching strategies. Social change may be promoted through this program as nurses learn to create individualized learning experiences for adult postpartum patients, empowering them with knowledge and abilities for self-care. Patient satisfaction may improve, and societal growth may be evident as people share positive health practices in local communities.


This dissertation has also been disseminated through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. Dissertation/thesis number: 3624269; ProQuest document ID: 1553208387. The author still retains copyright.


Dawn DayFollow

Author Details

Dawn Day, EdD, CNE

Sigma Membership




Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach

Mixed/Multi Method Research


Adult Learning Principles, Patient Education, Patient Satisfaction, Professional Development, Discharge Teaching Practices


Wendy Edson

Second Advisor

Kathleen McKee

Third Advisor

Valerie Schmitz



Degree Grantor

Walden University

Degree Year


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All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.

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None: Degree-based Submission



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Full Text of Presentation

