The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of virtual support sessions for caregivers of those with rare diseases on anxiety and coping. Caregivers of loved ones with rare diseases experience many challenges that may increase anxiety. These may include managing the long-term effects of the disorder, early mortality, or concerns about leaving their adult loved one without a caregiver. Stressors associated with providing care to chronically ill family members may impact psychological and physical well-being.
Sigma Membership
Rho Epsilon
DNP Capstone Project
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Quality Improvement
Research Approach
Pilot/Exploratory Study
Primary Caregivers, Anxiety, Coping
Kelly Carlson
Second Advisor
Sarah E. Sheppard
Degree Grantor
Regis College
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Bowling, Andrea I., "Impact of brief group sessions on anxiety and coping in primary caregivers of those with rare disorders" (2024). Dissertations. 1936.
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Review Type
None: Degree-based Submission
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