Infant feeding practices can greatly impact a child's life with far reaching implications based upon decisions a mother makes for her newborn. Breastfeeding is the preferred method of infant feeding because of its association with health benefits to both the mother and child. The prevalence of breastfeeding among rural, low income, disadvantaged groups to include Native American (NA) and African American (AA) adolescent mothers is low. NAs and AAs bear a disproportionate burden of illness and health risks compared to other races and ethnic groups in the United States. Breastfeeding is a targeted public health strategy to improve the health of infants and children and decrease or eliminate the gap of health disparities among the maternal-child aggregate populations in our nation. The purpose of the study was to (1) test the Theory of Planned Behavior by examining the relationship of the components (attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control/ self-efficacy, and breastfeeding knowledge) to determine breastfeeding intention and initiation of rural, low-income Native American (NA) and African American (AA) adolescent mothers in rural communities in southeastern North Carolina; (2) determine the significant similarities and differences between breastfeeding and formula feeding adolescent groups related to the constructs; (3) explore the relationship of intention to initiation, and (4) examine the relationship between sociodemographic variables with breastfeeding intention and initiation of adolescent mothers.
Sigma Membership
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Quantitative Research
Native Americans, African Americans, Adolescent Females, Breastfeeding, Rural and Low-Income
Marie E. Pokorny
Second Advisor
Melvin S. Swanson
Third Advisor
Elizabeth Jesse
Degree Grantor
East Carolina University
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Herndon, Cynthia H., "Breastfeeding intention and initiation among rural, low-income Native Americans and African American adolescent mothers in North Carolina: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior" (2022). Dissertations. 219.
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