
Major depression affects up to 40% of U.S. adolescents in mild to severe forms, compromising emotional, academic, and relational functioning, including that of interacting with parents. The purpose of this study was to explore the parent-adolescent relationship during an episode of depression in order to elucidate the adolescent experience of being parented and the parental experience as it contributes to the context of the adolescent. Research questions included: 1) What are the depressed adolescent's meanings and experiences of being parented? 2) How do the meanings and experiences of parenting contribute to the context of the lifeworld of the depressed adolescent?

An adapted Colaizzian (1978) method was used to phenomenologically analyze interview data from 6 adolescents and 5 parents. Findings for adolescents supported an essential pattern of Dysphoric Tension Between Moving Away and Moving Toward, including themes of Feeling Devalued within the Relationship and Renegotiating the Relationship. Parent findings supported the essential pattern of Tension Between Pulling Closer and Letting Go, with 4 themes including Losing the Familiar, At the Nexus of Action, Composing Life with the Stranger, and Crisis Management Within. The adolescent and parent findings were compared for differences and commonalities to assist in understanding the context provided by the parents. Findings were used to refine the investigator's previous model of adolescent depression.


This dissertation has also been disseminated through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. Dissertation/thesis number: 3219748; ProQuest document ID: 305348585. The author still retains copyright.

Author Details

Terri Jean Farmer, PhD, PMHNP-BC

Sigma Membership

Beta Mu



Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach

Qualitative Research


Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Adolescents, Depression, Parenting Experiences, Parented Experiences


Pamela Reed

Second Advisor

Janice Crist



Degree Grantor

The University of Arizona

Degree Year


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None: Degree-based Submission



Date of Issue


Full Text of Presentation

