The purpose of this case study was to determine which activities factor into transformational learning that may occur as a result of completing a perioperative preparation program for registered nurses. Through the process of describing the lived experiences of the participants who have completed a perioperative nurse training program, it also assisted in informing pedagogical practice by helping to establish the extent of transformational learning that occurs. The role of a perioperative nurse is one that is demanding, knowledge intensive, and highly collaborative. Perioperative nurse educators need to understand the process of transformation in order to assist new perioperative nurses in successfully completing a perioperative nurse-training program. The Learning Activities Survey, a follow-up survey, and individual interviews were used to accomplish a mixed method sequential study design. The research established that half of the participants had experienced transformational learning while half did not.
Sigma Membership
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Case Study/Series
Research Approach
Qualitative Research
Perioperative Nursing, Learning Experiences
Janet Lessner
Second Advisor
Caroline L. Bassett
Third Advisor
Katherine E. Green
Degree Grantor
Capella University
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Schild, Randolph William, "Transformational learning experiences of perioperative registered nurses who have completed a perioperative training program" (2017). Dissertations. 351.
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This dissertation has also been disseminated through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. Dissertation/thesis number: 3605266. The author still retains copyright.