70 million Americans have hypertension affecting one out of three Americans. Heart disease was the leading cause of death in America in 2015. The American Heart Association published an algorithm for implementing alternative approaches to treating hypertension. Creative art therapy was not included. Art therapy blends the therapeutic process of psychotherapy with the art of painting, drawing and sculpture to help express emotions and beliefs that are too difficult to convey in verbal and written communication. The health belief model is a framework that examines why people do not follow the recommendations of health care providers due to real and perceived barriers. The process of art therapy may allow one to express and understand feelings that are influencing their beliefs, which are creating barriers to making lifestyle modifications to manage hypertension. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of creative art therapy on hypertension. A descriptive pilot study investigating the feasibility of conducting a single group, pretest-posttest study, determining the effects of art therapy on hypertension was conducted.
Sigma Membership
DNP Capstone Project
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Pilot/Exploratory Study
Art Therapy in Cardiac Patients, Hypertensive Black Women, Patient Self-care
Colleen K. Norton
Second Advisor
Edilma L. Yearwood
Degree Grantor
Georgetown University
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Mullarkey, Ellen Layton, "The effects of art therapy on hypertension in black American women" (2020). Dissertations. 373.
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