Overeating is a common eating disorder and often leads to obesity and to significant physical, emotional and social problems often warranting nursing care. The psychological and behavioral factors surrounding overeating are noted frequently in the literature, but are not emphasized in most prevention and treatment programs for overeating. Codependency has expanded beyond the chemical dependency field and describes the dysfunctional pattern of behavior of an individual in a relationship with another person or from survival in a dysfunctional family of origin. This pattern of behavior includes the neglect of personal needs, focus and dependency on others, boundary/control issues, low self-worth along with physical and psychological consequences. Anxiety, depression, anger and compulsivity are psychological problems often linked with overeating and codependency. Because of the complexity, nursing care of persons with overeating and codependency problems is best viewed from a systems perspective such as the Neuman Systems Model which provided the nursing frame of reference for this study. The purpose of this study was to test the Codependency-Overeating Model (COM) by examining the relationships between the variable of interest, overeating and the proposed predictor variables of codependency, anxiety, depression, anger and compulsivity. Overeating was measured with the Overeating Questionnaire (OQ). Codependency was measured with the Codependency Assessment Tool (CODAT). Anxiety, depression, compulsivity and anger were measured with the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R). An Information Sheet was developed to obtain additional demographic and health related information.
Sigma Membership
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Overeating, Codependency, Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Compulsivity
Barbara Boss
Second Advisor
Savina O'Bryan Schoenhofer
Third Advisor
Donna Steele Martsolf
Fourth Advisor
Deborah Knokle-Parker
Degree Grantor
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Bynum, Denise, "The development and testing of the Codependency-Overeating Model in undergraduate social science students in a Mississippi college" (2013). Dissertations. 448.
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None: Degree-based Submission
Date of Issue
University of Mississippi Medical Center||Sigma Foundation for Nursing
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