The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project was to create a hypertension control protocol for the patient aligned care teams (PACT) to follow when a Veteran presents to the primary care clinic (PCC) with uncontrolled hypertension. Despite past interventions, uncontrolled hypertension was still problematic in the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Healthcare System. Past and present research suggested that the Veteran population was at higher risk of developing hypertension than those of the civilian population. In hopes to reduce uncontrolled hypertension in the VA's PCCs, the Measure Properly, Assessment of Pharmacology, Alternative Medication Interests, Routine Outreach, and Partner with the Veteran (MAARP) evidence-based protocol was developed. The MAARP protocol aided PACT providers in the closer management of hypertension; ultimately, reducing the number of Veterans with uncontrolled hypertension. . The MAARP components promoted a closer monitoring of the Veterans from the PACTs, encouraged alternative therapies to control hypertension, involved the Veterans in making personal health changes, endorsed the heavy use of Nurse Visit (NV) to follow-up with Veterans, improved Home Telehealth (HT) participation, and improved the Veterans comfort levels with automatic blood pressure (BP) obtainment.
Sigma Membership
Theta Sigma
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Quality Improvement
Research Approach
Translational Research/Evidence-based Practice
Veterans Affairs, Self-Efficacy, Home Telehealth, Hypertension
Richelle Rennegarbe
Second Advisor
Jill Parsons
Third Advisor
Shawna Adams
Degree Grantor
McKendree University
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Dudley, Alyssa S., "Improving hypertension for veterans utilizing Measure Properly, Assessment of Pharmacology, Alternative Therapy Interest, Routine Outreach, Partner with the Veteran Protocol (MAARP): A pilot study" (2024). Dissertations. 479.
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None: Degree-based Submission
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