Male combat veterans in pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs: A phenomenological exploration
There is recognized shortage of nurses in the United States which includes a lack of baccalaureate prepared nurses and lack of workforce diversity related to gender. Military veterans could be a recruitment source for the problems currently facing the nursing profession. However, both student veterans and male nursing students have experienced feelings of isolation, lower grade point averages, and higher rates of attrition. A scoping review of the literature revealed a lack of nursing education research literature related to veterans as nursing students. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience of male combat veterans in pre-licensure baccalaureate degree nursing programs. The research question was, "What is the lived experience of male combat nurses in baccalaureate degree nursing programs?" An interpretive phenomenology approach guided by van Manen (1990, 2014) was used to explore this phenomenon. Data were collected using written lived-experience descriptions (n=2), photo-elicitation (n=2), and unstructured interviews (n=7). Results illuminated the essential nature of the phenomenon as focused on the objective. Included within this phenomenon were four themes that arose from participants' language. These themes were tools of the trade, identity, turbulent waters, and fuel. Participants applied the strengths gained through military service and combat to remain focused on maintaining focus and meeting their individual objectives. Findings from this study may help provide better knowledge and understanding of male combat veterans for nurse educators so that individualized educational strategies can assist the veterans to be successful in nursing school.
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Pi Nu
Lead Author Affiliation
University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, USA
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Qualitative Research
Male Combat Veterans, Nursing Students, Nursing Education, Lived Experiences, Nursing Shortage
Cynthia Brown
Second Advisor
Susan Welch
Third Advisor
Michelle Byrne
Degree Grantor
University of West Georgia
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Dyar, Kelly L., "Male combat veterans in pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing programs: A phenomenological exploration" (2022). Dissertations. 550.
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