Physical activity is an integral part of the war on pediatric obesity. Pediatric obesity is a worldwide epidemic affecting children of all races, classes, and gender. According to the Ohio Youth Risk Behavior Survey of 2013 over one third of Ohio children in grades nine through twelve were considered overweight or obese and engage in more than three hours of screen time, television, computers or video games daily. The purposes of this project was to introduce physical activity in the classroom environment in the form of physical activity breaks, led by physical activity leaders (PALs) to achieve improved BMI category, increase grade point average (GPA), and increase physical activity (measured by PACE score) of high school students in health class. The Larrabee's Model for Evidence Based Practice Change was used to guide the planning, implementation, and evaluation of this evidence based project. The intervention was delivered to an inner city high school in West Central Ohio.
Sigma Membership
DNP Capstone Project
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Disadvantaged Youths, Mentors, Physical Activity
Huey-Shys Chen
Second Advisor
Katherine Sink
Third Advisor
Yi-Hui Lee
Degree Grantor
The University of Toledo
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Martin, Karen M., "Implementation of a mentor led physical activity program among disadvantaged youth" (2016). Dissertations. 567.
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Faculty Approved: Degree-based Submission
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