The purpose of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses in self-management support. These recommendations identify strategies and interventions that enhance an individual's ability to manage their chronic health condition. It is intended for nurses who work in a variety of practice settings across the continuum of care. It is acknowledged that the practitioner's knowledge, skills, attitudes, critical analysis and decision making vary and are enhanced over time by experience and education. It is acknowledged that effective health care depends on a coordinated interprofessional approach incorporating ongoing communication between health professionals and clients/families.
Sigma Membership
Lead Author Affiliation
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Best Practice Guideline
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Clinical Practice Guideline(s)
Research Approach
Translational Research/Evidence-based Practice
Chronic Conditions, Self-Management
Recommended Citation
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario, "Strategies to support self-management in chronic conditions: Collaboration with clients" (2010). General Submissions: Community and Population-based Materials. 17.
Identifier Type
Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario
Publisher's Version
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All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.
All submitting authors or publishers have affirmed that when using material in their work where they do not own copyright, they have obtained permission of the copyright holder prior to submission and the rights holder has been acknowledged as necessary.
Review Type
External Evaluation: Organization-based Material
Date of Issue
Full Text of Presentation
Developed in partnership with Health Canada, Office of Nursing Policy