Shortly after the initial Magnet® designation of a 700+ bed not-for-profit Level One Trauma Center, a Clinical Nurse Educator identified a need to involve bedside nurses in research and evidence based practice (EBP). This lead to the inception of a publication showcasing submissions solicited from frontline nurses that critiqued research/EBP articles and explored topics of interest through preliminary literature review (SE4EO). With the enculturation of Magnet® values across the facility, the publication evolved. The facility's Nursing Research Council (NRC) currently manages the publication, which is entitled Within REACH to reflect the facility's nursing model "REACH" (Research, Education, Advocacy, Clinical, Human touch). Peer review of submissions, individualized mentoring, and support through the writing process is utilized to minimize apprehension commonly associated with publication (SE3EO). The quality of submissions reflects an infusion of Magnet® culture, demonstrated through an increase in the quality and quantity of nursing research and implementation of EBP. Nursing professional development is showcased through the dissemination of quality improvement projects, posters, and podium presentations (SE11). Within REACH has grown from a few pages annually, to >30 pages published multiple times each year, and has become the hub of nursing scholarship. This publication also provides a venue for the facility's nursing career advancement program. An unexpected benefit has been the professional development not only of authors, but also of NRC members as peer reviewers and mentors. This strong and bold Magnet® 'tea' has provided many more opportunities than first envisioned.
Sigma Membership
Epsilon Psi, Xi Upsilon
Lead Author Affiliation
Carilion Clinic, Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Publication, Peer-reviewed, Serial Publications, Peer Review, Research, Nursing, Nursing Practice, Evidence-Based, Diffusion of Innovation, Magnet Hospitals
Recommended Citation
Perry, Margaret; Ward, Cynthia W.; Nightingale, Danielle; and Goyer, Donna, "Magnet® tea: The journey of a publication steeped in Magnet values" (2019). General Submissions: Presenations (Oral and Poster). 5.
Conference Name
ANCC National Magnet Conference®
Conference Host
American Nurses Credentialing Center
Conference Location
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Year
Rights Holder
All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.
All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.
All submitting authors or publishers have affirmed that when using material in their work where they do not own copyright, they have obtained permission of the copyright holder prior to submission and the rights holder has been acknowledged as necessary.
Review Type
Abstract Review Only: Reviewed by Event Host
Magnet® tea: The journey of a publication steeped in Magnet values
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Shortly after the initial Magnet® designation of a 700+ bed not-for-profit Level One Trauma Center, a Clinical Nurse Educator identified a need to involve bedside nurses in research and evidence based practice (EBP). This lead to the inception of a publication showcasing submissions solicited from frontline nurses that critiqued research/EBP articles and explored topics of interest through preliminary literature review (SE4EO). With the enculturation of Magnet® values across the facility, the publication evolved. The facility's Nursing Research Council (NRC) currently manages the publication, which is entitled Within REACH to reflect the facility's nursing model "REACH" (Research, Education, Advocacy, Clinical, Human touch). Peer review of submissions, individualized mentoring, and support through the writing process is utilized to minimize apprehension commonly associated with publication (SE3EO). The quality of submissions reflects an infusion of Magnet® culture, demonstrated through an increase in the quality and quantity of nursing research and implementation of EBP. Nursing professional development is showcased through the dissemination of quality improvement projects, posters, and podium presentations (SE11). Within REACH has grown from a few pages annually, to >30 pages published multiple times each year, and has become the hub of nursing scholarship. This publication also provides a venue for the facility's nursing career advancement program. An unexpected benefit has been the professional development not only of authors, but also of NRC members as peer reviewers and mentors. This strong and bold Magnet® 'tea' has provided many more opportunities than first envisioned.