The use of simulation in undergraduate nursing curriculum offers a viable, innovative and meaningful solution to inherent limitations within the traditional clinical setting (Jeffries, 2015). The literature supports this valuable method of student-centered experiential learning that addresses the knowledge to practice gap (Hayden, Smiley, Alexander, Kardong-Edgren, & Jeffries, 2014). Nursing academia is constantly confronted with the struggle to find clinical instructors and appropriate clinical sites that support learning opportunities that coincide with course objectives. In light of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) National Simulation Study (Hayden et al., 2014), the subsequent rapid growth of simulation in nursing education has provided significant challenges to clinical simulation laboratory administration in terms of scheduling, lab space and resources (Gantt, 2010). The author provides a cost-effective solution that utilizes an on-line course management system as a way to provide transparency between the clinical simulation lab administration and course faculty. The management system, which is only open to faculty and staff that utilize the lab, contains current lab schedules for both in class and lab simulations, lab resources and supplies, a system to request all lab simulation activities and also houses all current simulation scenarios. The management system has received positive feedback from faculty and administration as a way to ensure transparency of lab activity as well as proper utilization of student resources that support student learning. This low cost solution is also aligned with the university's strategic plan that supports planning and management of resources in a fiscally sound way.
Sigma Membership
Lead Author Affiliation
International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL)
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Clinical Simulation, Laboratory Management
Recommended Citation
Ulicny, Mary Pat and Smith, Nicole Elena, "Using an on-line course management system to achieve transparency in clinical simulation lab management: Rustling up low cost solutions" (2016). General Submissions: Presenations (Oral and Poster). 110.
Conference Name
INACSL Conference
Conference Host
International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning
Conference Location
Grapevine, Texas, USA
Conference Year
Rights Holder
All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.
All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.
All submitting authors or publishers have affirmed that when using material in their work where they do not own copyright, they have obtained permission of the copyright holder prior to submission and the rights holder has been acknowledged as necessary.
Review Type
Abstract Review Only: Reviewed by Event Host
Using an on-line course management system to achieve transparency in clinical simulation lab management: Rustling up low cost solutions
Grapevine, Texas, USA
The use of simulation in undergraduate nursing curriculum offers a viable, innovative and meaningful solution to inherent limitations within the traditional clinical setting (Jeffries, 2015). The literature supports this valuable method of student-centered experiential learning that addresses the knowledge to practice gap (Hayden, Smiley, Alexander, Kardong-Edgren, & Jeffries, 2014). Nursing academia is constantly confronted with the struggle to find clinical instructors and appropriate clinical sites that support learning opportunities that coincide with course objectives. In light of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) National Simulation Study (Hayden et al., 2014), the subsequent rapid growth of simulation in nursing education has provided significant challenges to clinical simulation laboratory administration in terms of scheduling, lab space and resources (Gantt, 2010). The author provides a cost-effective solution that utilizes an on-line course management system as a way to provide transparency between the clinical simulation lab administration and course faculty. The management system, which is only open to faculty and staff that utilize the lab, contains current lab schedules for both in class and lab simulations, lab resources and supplies, a system to request all lab simulation activities and also houses all current simulation scenarios. The management system has received positive feedback from faculty and administration as a way to ensure transparency of lab activity as well as proper utilization of student resources that support student learning. This low cost solution is also aligned with the university's strategic plan that supports planning and management of resources in a fiscally sound way.