
Viral outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and increasing vaccine hesitancy among populations experiencing health disparities highlight the need to develop strategies to improve vaccine uptake and reduce vaccine declination among U.S. adults especially those most vulnerable.


Dr. Blake was a recipient of the DAISY Foundation grant, Health Equity Grant for Research and EBP, Addressing Social Determinants of Health.

Author Details

Nancy Blake, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAONL, FACHE, FAAN; Ferlie Villacorte, MN, RN; John Banawa, RN

Sigma Membership

Gamma Tau at-Large

Lead Author Affiliation

Los Angeles General Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA



Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach

Mixed/Multi Method Research


Vaccines, COVID-19 Pandemic, Adults

Conference Name

ACNL Annual Program 2023

Conference Host

Association of California Nursing Leaders

Conference Location

Rancho Mirage, California, USA

Conference Year


Rights Holder

All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.

All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.

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Review Type

Abstract Review Only: Reviewed by Event Host




The DAISY Foundation


Additional Files

Report.pdf (129 kB)
Grant Report



Exploring social determinants of health and vaccine declination: Pilot survey of adults within a safety net healthcare system

Rancho Mirage, California, USA

Viral outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and increasing vaccine hesitancy among populations experiencing health disparities highlight the need to develop strategies to improve vaccine uptake and reduce vaccine declination among U.S. adults especially those most vulnerable.