
HP 2020 proposes that increasing training for health care providers in the provision of culturally competent care will improve health outcomes for this vulnerable population. Nurses are usually the first point of care for individuals seeking care. Therefore, that initial patient-provider encounter can influence decisions regarding future health care. In order to enhance nursing competencies in culturally competent care, a simulation experience using a narrative script and a high-fidelity manikin was incorporated into a undergraduate nursing course. The simulation scenario was designed to facilitate the delivery of healthcare to LGBTQ identifying individuals. A pre-simulation and post-simulation survey was administered in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the simulation intervention. Results will then be used to inform continual educational interventions for the promotion of nursing knowledge and the delivery of culturally-sensitive LGBTQ healthcare.


Dr. Pittiglio is the recipient of the 2021 Health Equity Grant for Research and EBP, Addressing Social Determinants of Health from the DAISY Foundation.

Author Details

Laura Pittiglio, PhD, RN, Associate Professor

Sigma Membership

Psi Theta at-Large

Lead Author Affiliation

Oackland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA



Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach

Quantitative Research


Simulations, Nursing Students, LGBTQ

Conference Name

MNRS Annual Research Conference

Conference Host

Midwest Nursing Research Society

Conference Location

Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Conference Year


Rights Holder

All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.

All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.

All submitting authors or publishers have affirmed that when using material in their work where they do not own copyright, they have obtained permission of the copyright holder prior to submission and the rights holder has been acknowledged as necessary.

Review Type

Abstract Review Only: Reviewed by Event Host




The DAISY Foundation


Additional Files

Report.pdf (99 kB)
Grant Report

References.pdf (156 kB)



The use of simulation and standardized patients to enhance nursing student competency in caring for LGBTQ individuals

Des Moines, Iowa, USA

HP 2020 proposes that increasing training for health care providers in the provision of culturally competent care will improve health outcomes for this vulnerable population. Nurses are usually the first point of care for individuals seeking care. Therefore, that initial patient-provider encounter can influence decisions regarding future health care. In order to enhance nursing competencies in culturally competent care, a simulation experience using a narrative script and a high-fidelity manikin was incorporated into a undergraduate nursing course. The simulation scenario was designed to facilitate the delivery of healthcare to LGBTQ identifying individuals. A pre-simulation and post-simulation survey was administered in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the simulation intervention. Results will then be used to inform continual educational interventions for the promotion of nursing knowledge and the delivery of culturally-sensitive LGBTQ healthcare.