Other Titles
Using the community's voice to transform nursing's capacity for health equity in care of youth who identify as LGBTQ+
The purpose of this study is to increase staff knowledge and skills in providing equitable, population specific care informed by community-based population research.
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Sigma Membership
Epsilon Phi
Lead Author Affiliation
Children's National Hospital, Washington, DC, USA
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Quantitative Research
LGBTQ+ Population, Culturally Congruent Care, Patient Care
Recommended Citation
Schultz, Theresa; Garzone, Allison; King, Simmy; Liljestrand, Amy; Henise, Shane; Lecuyer, Matthew; Edemba, Desiree; Boost, James E.; Dwivedi, Pallavi; and Hinds, Pamela, "The vulnerables' opportunity to inform culturally congruent care education (VOICCCE): Improving nursing practice in care of LGBTQ+ patients" (2024). General Submissions: Presenations (Oral and Poster). 7.
Conference Name
2024 Health Policy Conference
Conference Host
American Academy of Nursing
Conference Location
Washington, DC, USA
Conference Year
Rights Holder
All rights reserved by the author(s) and/or publisher(s) listed in this item record unless relinquished in whole or part by a rights notation or a Creative Commons License present in this item record.
All permission requests should be directed accordingly and not to the Sigma Repository.
All submitting authors or publishers have affirmed that when using material in their work where they do not own copyright, they have obtained permission of the copyright holder prior to submission and the rights holder has been acknowledged as necessary.
Review Type
Abstract Review Only: Reviewed by Event Host
The vulnerables' opportunity to inform culturally congruent care education (VOICCCE): Improving nursing practice in care of LGBTQ+ patients
Washington, DC, USA
The purpose of this study is to increase staff knowledge and skills in providing equitable, population specific care informed by community-based population research.
Dr. Schultz was the recipient of 2023 Health Equity Grant for Research and EBP, Addressing Social Determinants of Health grant from The DAISY Foundation.