About Us

Have you authored materials based in research, education, best practice, clinical or non-traditional settings you'd like to share?
Are you searching for an online resource where nurses can find unique and relevant research, evidence-based practice, clinical, and educational materials across an unrestricted timespan?
Since the Sigma Repository is grant funded, Sigma membership is not required to submit or view materials in this repository.
Registration/login is not required to view materials
Embargoed files in certain item records are locked to both registered and non-registered users.
Embargoed files are designated with an embargo expiration date and represent the minority of files posted in this repository.
There is no fee to submit or view materials posted in this repository.
The Sigma Repository is a free, open access resource for all nurses
What is a Repository?
There are many definitions of repositories. Sigma defines its repository as a free online database for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of materials authored by nurses for nurses. It deliberately keeps the definition and term materials broad to include works of nurses from all career levels, global locations, and settings.
Because there are a variety of different publishing and dissemination methods available for nurses, it's easy to get lost in the jargon. Now that you know more about what the Sigma Repository is, here are a few things that the Sigma Repository is not.
A traditional journal. This repository posts more than article manuscripts, and there are no topic, length, or formatting restrictions.
In competition with traditional publishing venues. There are more than enough scholarly and clinical works for both venues.
Traditional archive. Archives preserve historical materials and corporate records (digital and hard copy), with limited access to records.
Pay-to-publish venue. There are no open access fees or processing fees charged to authors or patrons. Submissions are based on merit and importance to the nursing profession.

What is Dissemination versus Publication?
Is material posted in the Sigma Repository considered published? No.
There are 2 exceptions:
- The Sigma Repository posts certain previously published journal articles that were peer-reviewed by the original publishing journal.
- The Sigma Repository will offer a peer-review option in 2025.
All item records show the review type such as External Review: Previously Published Material and Peer-review: Single Blind.
Is there a difference between published and disseminated? Yes.
Sigma Repository definitions:
Publication is defined as material that is peer-reviewed prior to posting.
Dissemination is defined as material this posted on its merits (as judged by the author and audience) without formal review or evaluation.
May I list materials disseminated in the Sigma Repository in my tenure dossier, curriculum vitae, resume, annual review, or grant application? Yes.
Note, materials disseminated through the repository will not hold the same value/rubric level as peer-reviewed material. Check with your Tenure Committee.
Dissemination allows authors to claim work and share knowledge not otherwise publicly available. The repository's durable links add permanent accessibility to an author's citations.
Contact Us

Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET
Voicemail messages and emails are returned within 24 business hours.
888.634.7575 (U.S./Canada toll free)
+1.317.634.8171 (International)
Sigma Headquarters
Attention: Sigma Repository
550 West North Street
Indianapolis, Indiana, 46202 USA