
This quantitative cross-sectional study examined the problem regarding the shortage of expert nephrology nurses and potential consequences or outcomes on patient quality care indicators in the dialysis setting. The research study collected demographic data by survey method from 34 Ohio chronic dialysis units on nursing tenure, nephrology experience, education level, certification status and age. The corresponding Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Quality Incentive Program (CMS QIP) aggregate patient data for each unit was obtained for comparison. Chronic dialysis units with higher level of nursing experience and education were compared to chronic dialysis units with less experienced and educated registered nursing staff. A simple linear regression analysis was conducted on the patient quality care indicators and was used to predict outcomes on the shortage of nursing experts on the collected convenience sample. The analyzed data research has three areas of statistical significance; hemoglobin level less than 10.2 g/dl, Kt/V of 1.2 or greater, and facility mortality rate. Units with higher levels of experience had fewer hemodialysis patients with lower percentage of anemia and a higher percentage of patients meeting dialysis adequacy levels. Units with higher level of education had a lower facility mortality rate. This study noted the need to measure the level of experience and education of the expert nephrology and how those aspects affect patient quality care indicators for the renal patient.


This dissertation has also been disseminated through the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. Dissertation/thesis number: 10681425; ProQuest document ID: 2007241628. The author still retains copyright.

Author Details

Karen J. Gaietto, PhD, RN, CNN

Sigma Membership

Omicron Delta



Format Type

Text-based Document

Study Design/Type


Research Approach

Quantitative Research


Nephrology, Quality of Care, Renal Nursing


Mirella V. Brooks



Degree Grantor

University of Phoenix

Degree Year


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None: Degree-based Submission



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Full Text of Presentation

