A national nursing shortage is nearing its crest. The Baby Boomer generation is begining to retire in record numbers. Healthcare technology is continually evolving and the topography of nursing education is changing. In order to aquire, develop, and retain excellent nursing faculty to meet the ever changing demands, nursing faculty need to be streamlined into the world of academia. A Structured Orientation Development System (SODS) was developed to aid nursing faculty into the transition from expert bedside nurse to expert nursing faculty. A literature review found no evidence of a structured type nursing faculty orientation system. The purpose of this project was to develop a systematic structured nurse educator orientation system. The orientation system incorporated the National League for Nursing (NLN) Core Competencies of Nurse Educators and Patrica Benner's From Novice to Expert theory into a survey for nursing faculty members. The survey results were used to determine the nursing faculty member's self perception of their teaching competency level. Individual goals were developed based on teaching competency levels, and a plan was devised to evaluate the nurse faculty member's teaching competency level at six months and one year. The program allowed the nursing faculty participants to evaluate their teaching competency level utilizing the NLN Core Competencies of Nurse Educators as a guide, and develop goals to improve their teaching competency level.
Sigma Membership
Lead Author Affiliation
Queens University of Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Format Type
Text-based Document
Study Design/Type
Research Approach
Translational Research/Evidence-based Practice
Nursing Education, New Nursing Faculty, Teaching Competency Levels, Career Transitions
Rebecca Beck-Little
Second Advisor
Cindy Miller
Third Advisor
Vickie Walker
Degree Grantor
Gardner-Webb University
Degree Year
Recommended Citation
Mangum, Dana R., "A structured orientation development system for nursing faculty" (2022). Dissertations. 732.
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