Title: Clinical lead & Consultant Podiatric Surgeon
Department: Department of Podiatric Surgery
Location: Park House Health and Social Care Centre
Phone: 0115 9935618
Email: anthony.maher@nottshc.nhs.uk
Research Interests: Podiatry; Foot surgery; Health related quality of life; Patient reported outcomes and quality assurance
Teaching Interests: Podiatric surgery; Podiatry
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9173-2981
Biography: Anthony qualified as a podiatrist in 2000 from the University of Brighton and subsequently undertook surgical training at leading podiatric surgery centres in the West Midlands, Ilkeston and Doncaster. Additional specialist training has taken him to the USA. Anthony has a keen interest in evidence based practice and quality assurance and has published a number of papers evaluating the outcomes of podiatric surgery. He is currently working with the College of Podiatry to develop PASCOM which is a national audit tool for monitoring patient outcomes in podiatry. In recognition of this work Anthony was selected for a Meritorious Award from the College of Podiatry in 2015. Anthony also sits on the editorial or advisory boards of two journals and regularly acts as a peer reviewer. His clinical work for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is focused on reconstructive fore foot surgery where he utilises smart technology to promote rapid recovery and improved patient outcomes.
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