Title: Professor of Forensic Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist
Department: Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology, University of Nottingham, and Rampton Hospital
Location: Institute of Mental Health, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, and Rampton Hospital
Phone: 0115 8231266
Email: birgit.vollm@nottingham.ac.uk
Research Interests: Neurobiology of antisocial personality disorders and social cognition; Treatment of personality disorders; Effectiveness of interventions; Evaluation of forensic-psychiatric services; Comparison between service delivery in different European countries; Service user involvement in research
Teaching Interests: Personality disorders; Research in forensic psychiatry; Mental disorder and crime; Service provision of forensic psychiatry
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4571-3410
Biography: After studying medicine in Germany and working in psychiatry and neurology in Switzerland and Germany, she came to Oxford in 1999 where she completed her basic psychiatric training. She then moved to Manchester to complete her specialist training in forensic psychiatry and her PhD “The neurobiology of impulsivity and social cognition in antisocial individuals” as a Walport Academic Clinical Lecturer. She has been in Nottingham since 2008. She was awarded a personal Chair in 2015. She was the Chair of the Forensic Section of the European Psychiatric Association until 2017 and is currently the Co-Chair of the Forensic Section of the World Psychiatric Association. Prof Völlm has numerous research contacts in Europe as well as in Iraq and Egypt. She is an expert for the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Ill Treatment. Outside work Prof Völlm is a keen traveller, aiming to visit all 193 countries of the world by the age of 80 (88 done so far!).
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