Instruments, Tools, & Measurements
It is difficult to locate complete measurement tools and instruments and then obtain permission to use and possibly adapt the existing tools. The Henderson Repository has created this collection within its Independent Submissions community as a means to gather such materials important to nurses in one convenient location.
Authors or copyright holders may submit their complete measurement tools and instruments to this collection. All submissions go through a single-blind peer-review process according to existing policies for this community. Authors and/or copyright holders retain their rights to each accepted submission and may extend use and adaptability rights to others as they see fit.
It is through this collection that the Henderson Repository hopes to build a comprehensive resource for those who create measurement tools and instruments and those seeking to use and adapt measurement tools and instruments.
Submissions limited to your own work or work for which you own the copyright. If you wish to recognize someone else's efforts, please invite them to submit their work, or send the information to and the information may be added to the Henderson Repository Instruments, Tools, and Measurements resources page, if appropriate.
For assistance in locating existing instruments, tools, and measurements not housed in this collection, please visit the Henderson Repository's Instruments, Tools, and Measurements Resource Page .
In Acknowledgment: The Henderson Repository would like to acknowledge doctors Susan Yarbrough, Danita Alfred, and Pam Martin, Professors, School of Nursing, The University of Texas at Tyler, Iota Nu Chapter at Large for their invaluable assistance in creating this collection. Their original idea, guidance, author instruction additions (specific to the submission of tools and instruments), and offer to serve as inaugural peer-reviewers have helped to make this collection and the accompanying resource page possible.