Profile page details.
The My Profile page is your personal page in the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository (the "Henderson Repository") once you have logged in (STTI members)* or registered (non-members)* and from here you can:
Submit to a collection
You will only be able to submit to collection(s) upon receiving authorization. Please visit the "Policies and Guidelines" page for complete submission instructions.
View all items you have submitted
Note that this will display items you have personally submitted to the Henderson Repository, not items you have co-authored that have been submitted by another author of that work. To display all items you have authored/co-authored you should set-up an author page and add all items there.
Edit your registration details
Here you can also change your password. You will be redirected to the STTI member site for password reset requests whether or not you are an actual STTI member. All repository password accounts are managed through that secure system regardless of membership status.
Edit your author page
Author pages allow you to add details about yourself and your interests on a publicly viewable page. You can add links to content within the Henderson Repository and external content. You must submit works that are posted in a Henderson Repository collection to be eligible for an author page. If you are interested in creating an author page please use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the Henderson Repository home page.
View any paused submissions
If you stop/save a submission midway through the submission process, you can come back to it here and complete it or delete it entirely.
Action any tasks
If you have been assigned a reviewer role in a collection(s), any tasks submitted to that/those collections will be listed here. You will also receive an email notification as new items (i.e., tasks) are submitted under your assigned collections.
*For assistance with registration/initial login, please visit the "Policies and Guidelines" page.