Sigma Repository Proxy Authorization Agreement
Please read the following proxy information. To finalize the proxy agreement, click on the link at the bottom of this page and complete the form.
If you have questions, email them to the Sigma Repository manager at
With the intent to submit works (including descriptive metadata and appropriate file[s], hereinafter referred to as the Work[s]) for dissemination to the general public via the Sigma Repository, the author agrees to the following terms and conditions:
I, as an author desiring to submit Works to the Sigma Repository (Author), will designate another individual as my agent (Proxy) to submit my original Works for preservation and public dissemination (dependent upon approval during the peer-review or moderation process, if applicable) in the Sigma Repository.
- By allowing the Proxy to submit each individual Work to the suitable collection(s) in the repository, the Author grants to Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) and its agents via the Sigma Repository the non-exclusive and perpetual license to publish, archive, add descriptive metadata, and make accessible the Work in whole or in part, in all forms of media, now or hereafter known throughout the world.
- The Author may enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the Work as long as such contracts do not conflict with the Author's or the Proxy's choice of a Creative Commons License in connection with the submission of the Work.
- The Author may request that the Proxy ask for an embargo period on the Author's behalf should one be needed. An embargo limits access to the complete Work and allows the author an opportunity to pursue traditional publishing via a journal/publisher without being charged with a prior publication violation. The information fields and abstract will be visible to the public during the embargo period, but the attached document will not be available for download until the embargo expires. An embargo is needed if the Author pursues traditional publication using the exact material as submitted to the repository, or if the Author is submitting a Work that has been previously published. The Author is responsible for initiating the embargo request personally or through the Proxy. If such a request is not made prior to submission, the Sigma Repository will assume that one is not needed and the submission with the attached file will be openly accessible without restrictions upon acceptance and processing.
- With respect to all Work submitted by the Proxy, the Author represents and warrants that:
- the Work is the author's original work, based upon sound research and/or professional principals, and is not a deliberate attempt to defraud and/or mislead readers;
- he/she possesses all right and authority to grant a non-exclusive license in the Work to the Sigma Repository;
- he/she has not transferred exclusive rights in the Work to any third party;
- the Work contains no misrepresentation or infringement of the work or property of other authors or third parties;
- the Work contains no information of a proprietary or sensitive nature that in any way violates or invades the privacy rights of individuals and/or that divulges or infringes upon the trade secrets of an organization;
- the Work contains no libel or unlawful matter, and
- he/she has read and agrees to the Sigma Repository non-exclusive license agreement available here:
- The Author agrees to promptly furnish to the Sigma Repository, at the Author’s own expense, written evidence of the permissions, licenses, and consents for use of third-party material included within the Work.
- The Author shall review all Works that the Proxy submits to the Sigma Repository to ensure that all of the representations and warranties as mentioned in this proxy authorization are correct and complied with respect to each and every piece of content and material.
- The Author agrees to execute an updated proxy authorization upon each subsequent Proxy change and/or addition.
- The Author understands that the Proxy is acting as the agent of the Author, and the Author agrees that he/she shall be responsible for all actions of the Proxy in connections with any Work submitted to the Sigma Repository.
- The Author agrees to indemnify and hold the Sigma Repository harmless from Author’s breach of the representations and warranties set forth in this proxy authorization, as well as any claim or proceeding relating to the Sigma Repository's use and publication of any content contained in the Work(s), to include third party content.
- The Author has the power to execute this authorization and agrees to the terms set forth above.
To electronically sign and submit the Proxy Authorization, please click the following link: