What are business archives?
- A unique asset which every organization has, but many do not utilize.
- They capture the knowledge and experience of working for your organization.
- They can be documents, videos, photographs, and advertisements.
- They can be physical or electronic.
Why have business archives?
- Growth.
- Archives can be used in marketing and customer/member relations to increase Sigma brand knowledge and awareness.
- Archives have direct commercial value as a source of new product innovation.
- They are literally full of ideas that can be rediscovered and repackaged for today's members.
- Differentiation.
- Sigma is unique — with its own story of achievement, company culture, reputation, products and people.
- Telling Sigma's story through product literature, websites, and employee-created materials can create the kind of loyalty and pride that leverages a real competitive advantage.
- Protection.
- The archive is the memory of Sigma.
- It holds knowledge and evidence of business, chapter, and educational activities forgotten when employees and members move on.
- Archives can provide evidence against litigation, trademark and copyright infringement, or assault on reputation.
- They are an unparalleled source of management information.
- Corporate Memory.
- Exposure to the corporate memory shows today's employees, from boardroom to mailroom, that Sigma has weathered
- business and economic uncertainties,
- technological and organizational change, and
- growth and recession.
- Exposure to the corporate memory shows today's employees, from boardroom to mailroom, that Sigma has weathered
By keeping archives Sigma captures today's experience, knowledge and company know-how for tomorrow's team.
It's a powerful tool, it's company generated and it's Sigma's... so don't throw it away — make it work for Sigma employees and its members!
Corporate Memory: A guide to managing business archives. The National Archives, United Kingdom. July 2009