Sigma-hosted Event Session ID Key
This key pertains to item records from Sigma-hosted events only.
Beginning with the Nursing Education Research Conference in 2016, all Sigma poster and session item records posted in the repository will contain the Session ID key that was listed beside the entry in the event's program book.
To search for repository items by the Event Session ID Key, type the key into the main search bar on the homepage surrounded by double quotes. Example shown below.
Login is not required.
Note: Only those poster and session PowerPoint files for which we have received permission from the presenting author as copyright holder will appear in the repository.
If a program book is not available, below is assistance to re-create the key.
Format: Each ID will consist of the 4-letter event code, 2-digit year, and a poster/session number. Please do not use spaces.
Examples: CONV17PLN1, INRC18PST240, CHWE19G02
Event 4-letter Key:
- Biennial Convention = CONV
- Creating Healthy Work Environments = CHWE
- International Nursing Research Congress = INRC
- Leadership Connection = LEAD
- Nursing Education Research Conference = NERC
Year Key:
- 2017 = 17
- 2018 = 18
- 2019 = 19
Session Key:
Each session key as shown below is followed by the poster or presentation number (e.g., WKS3, PLN1).
- Workshops = WKS
- Plenaries = PLN
- Sessions, Special Sessions, and Symposia = Session letterID number as listed in the program book (e.g., A, B, C, D...)
- Posters = PST
In events where posters are assigned topical codes, such as the Biennial Convention, use the assigned code as it appears in the program and drop the “PST” designation (e.g., CONV15CA1.13).Posters presented at International Nursing Research Congress are assigned sequential numbers despite being grouped by overall topic, the number alone appears beside the poster title, so use the PST designation in this case.