Submitting Content
How do I submit an item to the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository?
1. Familiarize yourself with the repository's author policies.
2. Establish an account by registering with the Henderson Repository if necessary (non-STTI members only). STTI members, you do not need to register but, please log in using your STTI credentials in order to authenticate your account with the repository.
3. ALL submitting authors must request authorization to submit to an appropriate collection(s) via email message to Provide your full name, credentials, and email address that you used at registration/login. Also, provide a brief description of the item that you wish to submit as well as the name of the collection or collections you would like submission rights to. Choose from any of the active collections. Each community and all collections have individual home pages that explains the focus of that community or collection.
4. Log in and choose the "Submit an Item" option after receiving authorization confirmation from the Henderson Repository staff.
5. Follow the step-by-step submission process:
♦ Read and agree to the initial informed author clause (required)
♦ Answer brief initial questions
♦ Describe the item (required)
♦ Upload a file or files
♦ Convert files to PDF format, when possible (if not done prior to submission process)
♦ Select a "Creative Commons License" (optional)
♦ Agree to the "Distribution License" (required)
The item will go through the collection's set review process.
6. Edit the submission if required (you will receive notice of rejection, if appropriate.)
7. Author will receive notice of approval/posting.
Note: Copyright is retained by the author/co-authors.
For detailed instructions please refer to the appropriate user guide located on the Policies and Guidelines page found under the Quick Guides menu to the left of this information. You may also access the instructions by clicking the Get Started link below.